Juvenile Fiction, Humorous Stories
Not Just a Toot
by K.J.Bullock
A comical potty training rhyming book that will have the whole family laughing all the way to the toilet! A rootin'-tootin' good time for adults and kids as they laugh and learn. Look inside for some 'heinie hiccup' sound suggestions or create...
Maddy the Dragonslayer
by Charlene M Cavers
What happens when you take a West Highland Terrier and place her on a farm in northern British Columbia? Adventure and heroic deeds! Children will delight in the tales of Maddy the Westie, a loveable character based on a real-life dog. “Maddy the...
At the Moovies
by Jana Gatien
En route to the moovie theater, Bobby heatedly complains about some rude squirrels who ruined it for him last time. So no surprise when Bobby finds himself seated behind even bigger bothers: irksome ELEPHANTS. Despite extra-loud slurping ‘n...
Dreamboat Bobby
by Jana Gatien
Bobby sure feels bummed out when his sailing plans are foiled by a storm. But after a brief pity-party for himself, he decides to take a different kind of voyage. So he creates the best boat ever, rides a whale's spout, enjoys a pig water-ballet...
The Wise King
A Fairytale by Judy Headley
It's finally time for a princess to be a married. Many people use crazy and hilarious stunts just to get her attention, but nothing seems to work. Will she ever find a man worthy of her love? Find out in this exciting fairytale that will have you...
The Dozen Dozens
by Tom Green
Once upon a time there was a man named Mr. Dozen. Mr. Dozen’s first name was Odd. Odd is an odd name, but Odd was his name. Odd Dozen had a wife. Mrs. Dozen’s first name was Even. Even is a different kind of name, but Even was her name....
WooWee the Cat and Almost Grumpy Pat
by Kelley-Ann Heslop
A LOVELY TALE about two companions who develop a lasting RELATIONSHIP. WooWee the Cat is a HOMELESS stray kitty, in need of a FOREVER HOME. Almost Grumpy Pat has no friends because he is all alone. WooWee BELIEVES Almost Grumpy Pat is not as...
by The Dark Writer
I of the Hurricane
Eating Up a Storm by Kali
Instant love takes place between a young pet store employee and a small white puppy. She takes her pup home to meet the household which includes another dog, Prince, and two white cats – Thunder and Lightning. Aptly called Hurricane, the pup...
When Dinosaurs go Dancing
by Judy Cook
When Dinosaurs go Dancing has everything to delight three to eight year old palaeontologists-from fossils to foxtrot. Where else can you tango with triceratops, minuet with pachycephalosaurus, and then bow to apatosaurus before tap dancing across...